Belfast Pride isn't all about being gay, it's about being proud of who you are, and there were tons of events and activities throughout the week to help keep you occupied. From the Out 'n' About Pride Walk, to the Lark in the Park, there was something for everyone. There was also a number of lectures and workshops, including the Amnesty Pride Lecture 2012 on The Dangerous World of Gay 'Cures' at the Europa Hotel and the LASI Confidence Building Workshop at the LASI Community Space.
This year's Parade was top notch, lasting at least 40 minutes and as the sun shone on us, everyone could really feel the party atmosphere as the crowds, colour and noise passed us by. People from all walks of life participated, with political parties, charity groups and even the girls from Belfast Roller Derby dropping by!
Then, as the afternoon wore on, the crowds headed back to Custom House Square, where they filled the streets and even for five or ten minutes, stopped traffic as they crossed the road to the Albert Clock. After a few drinks outside McHughs, we headed inside Custom House Square for the 'Party in the Square' which ran from 11am to 7pm and had a variety of entertainment. The bill consisted of Kitty Brucknell, Tina Cousins, Ryan Jagger, Kezi Silverstone, Ryan John, Diva Dolls, Tommy Shots, Ajenda Mister Underground and much much more!
The Pride Festival was a really fun way to pass a week for young and old alike. It was a chance to meet new people, experience new things and when it comes down to it celebrate who we are and have a massive party in the sunshine. All in all, this seemed like a fantastic Pride Festival and we hope that next years will be even bigger, better and camper!
Down with gays and fun and colours.